Victor Martinez Is a Dominican IFBB Bodybuilder Known for His Well Proportioned Body

Born on July 29, 1973, Victor Martinez is a former IFBB bodybuilder, an activist for children who have autism, sponsored athlete, and second Dominican pro bodybuilder after Tony Domenench, who is also popular for his well-proportioned body in the realms of bodybuilding.

Like many IFBB bodybuilders, Victor Martinez also first got his interest in other sports such as football, baseball, and other competitive sports and later transitioned into weightlifting.

Victor Martinez debuted as a competitive bodybuilder in 1993 and, since then, went on to win several bodybuilding competitions. Among them, some notable victories were of the 2007s Arnold Classic and his success at the 2007s Mr. Olympia, where he was a runner up to one of the world’s top bodybuilders, Jay Cutler.

“Victor Martinez Is Among Few of the Professional Bodybuilder Who First Started as a Powerlifter”

Similar to others, if you’re also questioning what’s Victor Martinez workout routine and diet plan looks like, then keep reading.

victor martinez workout routine

Victor Martinez Training Split

Below is the training split of Victor Martinez. He usually goes for 4 days a week with one cardio day and two rest days as mentioned below:

  • Day 1 – Shoulders, Traps, Biceps & Calves
  • Day 2 – Quadriceps & Abs
  • Day 3 – Rest Day
  • Day 4 – Chest, Triceps & Calves
  • Day 5 – Back, Hamstrings & Abs
  • Day 6 – Cardio
  • Day 7 – Rest Day

Let’s dive into Victor Martinez workout routine

Victor Martinez Workout Routine

Day 1 – Shoulders, Traps, Biceps & Calves

Rotator Cuff Raises220
BB Front Raises410
DB Side Lateral Raises310
Reverse Pec Deck (Butterfly)410
Behind The Back Shrugs W/ Smith Machine410
Seated DB Curls410
Machine Preacher Curls410
Calf Raises (Standing)425
Calf Raises (Seated)425

Day 2 – Quadriceps & ABs

Leg Extensions415
Leg Press510
BB Front Squats410
Lunges (Stationery)210

Day 3 – Wednesday: Rest Day

Day 4 – Chest, Triceps & Calves

Incline BB Press410
Incline DB Flys410
Bench Press W/ Smith Machine410
Flat Bench DB Flys410
Triceps Rope Pulldowns410
Smith Machine Bench Press (Close Gripped)410
Dips (Parallel Bar)320
Calf Raises (Standing)425
Calf Raises (Seated)320

Day 5 – Back, Hamstrings & Abs

Pull Downs410
Bent Over BB Rowing410
Seated Cable Rowing410
BB Deadlift410
Lying Leg Curls310
Crunches W/ Machine320

Day 6 – Cardio

Day 7 – Rest Day

Victor Martinez Workout Routine & Training Splits

Victor Martinez workout routine according to body part:


Incline BB Bench Press515 – 10
Incline DB Flys310
Vertical Hammer Strength310
Bench Press (Machine)310
DB Pullovers310


Pull-Ups410 – 12
Lat Pulldowns (Front)410 – 12
T – Bar Rowing410 – 12
1 – Arm DB Rowing410 – 12
Seated Cable Rowing412


Biceps Cable Curls310
BB Curls310
DB Concentration Curls310
DB Hammer Curls310


Close Grip BB Bench Press310
Bench Dips310
Rope Pushdowns310
DB Triceps Kickbacks310


Rotator Cuff Raises W/ DB515 – 20
BB Clean & Press38
DB Side Lateral Raises312
DB Press310 – 12
Rear Deltoid Machine Press412 – 15
BB Upright Rowing (Shoulder Width Grip)312




Leg Extensions

Lying Leg Curls





15 – 20

15 – 20




15 – 20  / Leg

Leg Press


12 – 15

Walking or Stationery Lunges


15 / Leg

Calf Raises (Standing)


12 – 20

Calf Raises (Seated)


15 – 20


Leg Curls (Seated)420
Standing Leg Curls412 – 15


Lying Leg Curls

Stiffed Leg BB Deadlifts





12 – 15

12 – 15

Below mentioned are the two training split in which he splits his workout:

Training Split – 1

The first one is the six days workout routine:

  • Day 1 – Chest & Biceps
  • Day 2 – Quads & Calves
  • Day 3 – Shoulders & Triceps
  • Day 4 – Rest Day
  • Day 5 – Back & Hamstrings
  • Day 6 – Chest & Biceps
  • Day 7 – Quads & Hamstrings

Training Split – 2

Here’s the second training split of Victor Martinez that involves AM/PM workout routine:

  • Day 1: Shoulders (AM) & Triceps (PM)
  • Day 2: Quads (AM) & Hamstrings (PM)
  • Day 3: Back (Midday)
  • Day 4: Chest (AM) & Biceps (PM)
  • Day 5: Rest Day
  • Day 6: Repeat from Day 1

Victor Martinez Diet Plan – Off-Season

Below is the offseason diet plan of Victor Martinez that involves six meal plans:

Meal 1:

Meal 2:

  • Egg Whites – 10
  • Oatmeal – 2 Cups

Meal 3:

  • Lean Steak – 10 Oz
  • Brown Rice – 1 Cup

Meal 4:

  • Chicken – 10 Oz
  • Baked Potato – 10 Oz

Meal 5:

  • Salmon Fish – 10 Oz
  • Steamed Broccoli – 1 Cup

Meal 6:

  • Lean Steak – 8 Oz
  • Steamed Broccoli – 1 Cup

Victor Martinez Diet Plan – During Contest Prep

Here’s another typical diet plan that he used to follow to prepare for his bodybuilding competition:

Meal 1:

  • Egg Whites – 12
  • Oatmeal – 2 Cups

Meal 2:

  • Chicken Breast – 12 Oz
  • Baked White Potato – 1

Meal 3:

  • Chicken Breast – 12 Oz
  • Baked White Potato – 1

Meal 4:

  • Whey Protein Shake – 2 Scoop

Meal 5:

  • Steak – 12 Oz
  • Rice or Potato

Meal 6:

  • Chicken Breast – 12 Oz
  • Large Green Salad

Meal 7:

  • Fish – 12 Oz OR Whey Protein

Physical Statistics of Victor Martinez

  • Height – 5 Feet & 7 Inch
  • Contest Weight – 115 Kg
  • Off-Season Weight – 125 Kg
  • Arms – 20.4 Inch
  • Chest – 59 Inch
  • Thighs – 29.9 Inch
  • Waist – 33.9 Inch
  • Calves – 18.9 Inch
  • Forearms – 15.7 Inch

Olympia Results

  • 2016 – Placed 11th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2015 – Placed 9th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2014 – Placed 8tht (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2013 – Placed 11th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2011 – Placed 4th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2010 – Placed 8th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2009 – Placed 6tht (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2007 – Placed 2nd (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2006 – Placed 3rd (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2005 – Placed 5th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)
  • 2004 – Placed 9th (Mr. Olympia – IFBB)

Wrapping Up

Victor Martinez is another famous bodybuilder known for his social services, such as standing as an activist for children who have autism. Likewise, he’s one of the few bodybuilders who has shown the importance of staying humble and helping others, making him a role model for people. Furthermore, if you’re his fan and have questions like what’s Victor Martinez’s workout routine or how he builds his physique, we hope this article may have proven helpful. Good luck!

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