Here’s James Harrison’s Workout Routine to Be an Unstoppable Powerhouse Force

Are you a football fan who loves watching NFL matches? Then it’s for sure you don’t need any introduction of James Harrison. He’s one of the best players and an outside linebacker in the NFL, who’s known as one of the most powerful, big & skilled players of his prime time. Nonetheless, if you’re a fan of this beast and have ever wondered what James Harrison’s workout routine is, then you’ll be amazed as we’re going to cover this topic in this piece of article.

James Harrison’s Workout Routine

James Harrison is a former NFL player who’s popular for his powerful and massive physique apart from his playing skills. There are several YouTube clips available of him showing his monstrous weights, which has even gone viral. Similarly, he has also made headlines because of his massive body, like any pro bodybuilder.

James Harrison’s Workout Routine

James Harrison’s workout routine is a typical split routine where he does one or two body parts in a day. For instance, here below is one such workout split he follows:

  • Monday – Legs
  • Tuesday – Back & Chest
  • Wednesday – Core
  • Thursday – Shoulders
  • Friday – Arms
  • Saturday & Sunday – Rest Day

Nonetheless, let’s get into detail. Here, we’ve covered one of his workout routines that will give you an overall idea of his workout style.

Monday – Legs

BB Deadlift5 – 71 – 5
BB Squats Using Cambered Rod5 – 71 – 5
Safety Bar Step Ups310
Leg Extensions310
GHD Hamstring Raises310
Leg Press5 – 71 – 5

Tuesday – Back & Chest

BB Bench Press5 – 71 – 5
BB Incline Bench Press5 – 71 – 5
Negative Accentuated Bench Press5 – 71 – 5
BB Rowing5 – 71 – 5
T – Bar Rowing5 – 71 – 5
Leg Press5 – 71 – 5

Wednesday – Core

Hanging Abdominal Windshield Wiper310
Dragon Flags3 – 54 – 5
Hanging Leg Raises (Toes Touching Bar)310 – 15
Half Kneeling Cable Knee Chops310 – 15
Ab Rolls Out38 – 12

Thursday – Shoulders

Bradford Press5 – 71 – 5
Seated DB Arnold Press5 – 75 – 10
DB Side Lateral Raises310 – 15
Incline Rear Deltoid DB Raises310 – 15

Friday – Arms

Triceps Dips5 – 71 – 5
Skull Crushers310 – 15
Rope Press Downs310 – 15
EZ Bar Curls5 – 71 – 5
Seated Incline DB Curls310 – 15
Bayesian Cable Curls310 – 15
DB Zottman Curls310 – 15

Saturday & Sunday – Rest Day

James Harrison’s Diet Plan

James prefers following a low-carb diet plan that helps him fuel his workout and maintain muscle mass. Moreover, he likes eating only organic foods and avoids going for dairy products, white sugar, caffeine, and gluten.

Also, he likes to limit his alcohol intake and likes to stay away from processed foods. Instead, he goes for high-protein and fiber-rich food choices that also have healthy fats.

Meal 1:

  • Eggs
  • Oatmeal
  • Bacon
  • Avocado

Meal 2:

  • Salad
  • Fruits
  • Almonds

Meal 3:

  • Salad
  • Vegetables
  • Chicken Breast

Meal 4:

  • Salad
  • Vegetables
  • Fish


  • Multivitamin
  • Whey Protein
  • Omega – 3s

James Harrison’s Workout Principle

According to the conditioning coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Garrett Giemont, James was one of the most demanding players on the team. Also, he was the strongest player in the whole NFL. His workout is usually available on YouTube and Instagram. Hence, those videos will give you an idea about how intense his workout is. For instance, he does five to six sessions per week, and his workout style is also like powerlifting, and he likes pushing himself to lift heavy weights in the gym.

About James Harrison

James Henry Harrison Jr. was born in Akron, Ohio, on May 4, 1978. He is the youngest of 14 siblings. After succeeding in little league baseball at first, he turned his attention to football, especially the Cleveland Browns, against his mother’s disapproval. James participated in track and field and demonstrated natural aptitude as a running back and linebacker. Despite having behavioral problems throughout high school, which resulted in the withdrawal of his scholarship, he eventually enrolled at Kent State University.

James signed as an undrafted rookie with the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2002 despite not being selected in the draft because of his alleged height constraints. He had brief stints with the Cincinnati Bengals & Baltimore Ravens before rejoining the Steelers, where he helped the team win the Super Bowl in 2005–2006 and was named the MVP the following season. Among the high points of his career was winning an NFL title with the Steelers in 2008. After a brief stint with the New England Patriots, James announced his retirement in 2018.

Closing Thoughts

Though he’s retired from the NFL, but when you look at James Harrison’s workout routine, you’ll still find the same intensity that he had in his prime. Further, his intensity is also combined with the grueling workout schedule that we covered here, which helps him maintain his muscle mass and strength from his younger years. Hence, if you’re his fan and want to know about his workout plan, we’ve covered one here. We hope it’ll give you better insight about it. Happy lifting!

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