Young Bodybuilder, Fitness Model & Bodybuilding Competitor Who Started Lifting in His Teenage

Anthony Mantello is a USA based bodybuilder, social media personality, and fitness model who got into weightlifting in New Jersey as a soccer player. At the time of joining, he was more inclined to build mass, but after getting the result, he fell in love with weightlifting and started pursuing for full-time.

anthony mantello workout routine

He’s a social media influencer who likes posting videos and pictures related to his workout sessions, motivating his fans and followers to train harder like him. In addition, like other young bodybuilders, he’s also one of those who got into competing in IFBB competitions very early. And, since then, he never looked back.

Anthony Mantello’s Workout Principles

He’s a pretty young bodybuilder, which gives him an edge over other bodybuilders who are mostly 10 years older compared to him. For instance, he can push his body to its max and recover quickly.

Further, he likes to focus on his fitness goal as a career-oriented person and not just a fitness enthusiast. He’s committed to bodybuilding and mostly likes focusing on isolation exercises that help him target specific muscle groups and improve muscle imbalances that often occur with weightlifting.

Anthony Mantello’s Workout Routine

We’ve searched a lot on the internet but couldn’t find his exact workout plan. Also, he likes altering his workout based on his goals. Nonetheless, based on the compilation of social commentary, videos, and information here, we’ve made Anthony Mantello’s workout routine and diet plan that you can look upon. It’s a five-day workout plan that includes one body part per session, and on Saturday and Sunday, he likes taking rest.

Monday – Chest

DB Incline Press410
Machine Incline Press410
Incline DB Fly48
Push Ups4Till Failure
Standing Cable Flys410

Tuesday: Back

Weighted Pull Ups46
BB Bent Over Rowing48
Seated Cable Rowing48
T – Bar Rowing48
Seated Machine Lat Pulldowns410
Standing Cable Rowing48
Standing Close Grip Lat Pulldowns410
BB Stiffed Leg Deadlift48

Wednesday – Shoulders

Seated DB Press48
DB Upright Rowing48
Seated BB Overhead Press48
Alternate DB Front Raises48
Cable Rear Delt Fly48

Thursday – Legs

Seated Leg Extensions510
BB Stiffed Leg Deadlift58
Leg Press512
Reverse Leg Extensions512
BB Back Squats58

Friday –Arms

Standing DB Curls412
Standing Alternate DB Curls412
DB Hammer Curls412
Seated DB Curls412
Triceps Pushdowns410
Close Grip Cable Pushdowns410
Standing Cable Curls412
Standing EZ Bar Curls412
Double Biceps Cable Curls412

Saturday & Sunday – Rest Day

Anthony Mantello’s Diet Plan


Meal 1:

  • Protein Shake W/ Nut Butter, Banana, & Cinnamon

Meal 2:

  • Chicken Breast
  • White Rice

Meal 3:

  • Chicken Breast
  • Egg Whites
  • Whole Eggs – 2 
  • White Rice

Meal 4:

  • Ground Beef (Lean)
  • Half Avocado
  • White Rice

Meal 5:

  • Protein Shake W/ Oats, Nut Butter, Protein Powder & Cinnamon


Wrapping Up

He’s a young bodybuilder who has curated a healthy, supportive, and loyal community through social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Similarly, he’s also a globally known trainer and coach that’s trusted by many. Nonetheless, if you’ve been looking for Anthony Mantello’s workout routine and diet plan, here we’ve covered the one that matches with his workout style. We hope you will give it a try.

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