An Irish Professional Bodybuilder, Personal Trainer, and Social Media Star

Blessing Awodibu, nicknamed ‘A force of Nature,’ is a popular Irish IFBB bodybuilder known for his massive aesthetic physique. He’s a successful bodybuilder with 2 Arnold Classic Titles and 4 IFBB overall Champion Titles under his belt.

Though, Blessing always wasn’t strong as he’s now. On the contrary, he was underweight while growing up. Similarly, in the beginning, he joined the gym as a hobby with the hope of building some size and strength. And, he was more focused on his academic grades with the hope of getting enrolled in a good college after his high school graduation.

However, his academic expectations didn’t turn out as he wanted, and his dream of joining a college got shattered, which made him realize that bodybuilding is the only option he’s left with.

About Blessing Awodibu

Blessing Awodibu grew up like any other ectomorph person, a thin child for whom gaining weight was almost impossible. He was even afraid to take off his shirt on the beach in earlier days, as he felt others would judge him due to his “skinny looks.”

Likewise, in searching for improving his physique and body size, he decided to start weightlifting. But, due to some reasons, he couldn’t afford a gym membership, so he started working out with a makeshift gym in his garden. Nonetheless, later on, he joined the gym, and amazingly he even started getting results, which inspired him to keep going.

blessing awodibu workout routine

Let’s find out Blessing Awodibu’s workout routine and diet plan.

Blessing Awodibu’s Workout Routine

Below is his workout routine that includes two sessions per day, also popularly known as AM/PM workout.

Day 1:

Session 1 – Shoulders & Traps

BB Upright Rowing312 – 15
BB Shrugs412 – 15
Behind the Back Standing BB Shrugs412 – 15
Seated Behind The Neck BB Press412 – 15
Seated DB Shoulder Press412 – 15
DB Front Lateral Raises412 – 15
Seated Shoulder Press512 – 15
BB Front Lateral Raises4Till Failure
Bent Over DB Lateral Raises515 – 20
Seated Bent-Over Lateral Raises515 – 20
Incline DB Side Lateral Raises315 – 20 
Incline BB Front Lateral Raises4Till Failure

Session 2 – Legs

Calf Exercises (Multiple)15 Minutes
Walking Lunges 320
BB Back Squats612 – 15
Leg Press4 15 – 20
Leg Extensions615 – 20
Leg Curls – Lying815 – 20 

Day 2:

Session 1 – Back

Pull-Ups615 – 20
Lat Pulldowns515 – 20 
Lat Pullovers315 – 20
BB Bent Over Rowing312 – 15
Seated Cable Rowing312 – 15
1 – Arm DB Bent Over Rowing4Till Failure

Session 2 – Chest

Incline DB Press68 – 10
Incline BB Bench Press415 – 20
DB Flys312 – 15
Incline DB Flys412 – 15
DB Bench Press312 – 15
Pec Deck312 – 15
BB Bench Press612 – 15
DB Bench Press312 – 15
Pec Deck312 – 15
BB Bench Press612 – 15

Day 3:

Session 1 – Arms

BB Curls912 – 15
Seated BB Curls3Till Failure
Seated DB Curls4Till Failure
Standing DB Hammer Curls415 – 20
Seated DB Hammer Curls4Till Failure
Triceps Extensions (Cable)415 – 20
Close Grip BB Bench Press312 – 15
Skull Crushers (Decline)312 – 15
Triceps Extensions (Cable)312 – 15
Skull Crushers312 – 15
Dips4Till Failure

Session 2 – Legs

Walking Lunges320
Leg Curls – Lying815 – 20
Back Extensions315 – 20
BB Deadlifts515 – 20

Day 4:

Session 1 – Shoulders

Repeat Session 1 of Day 1

Session 2 – Back

Repeat Session 1 of Day 2

Day 5:

Session 1 – Chest

Repeat Session 2 of Day 2

Session 2 – Legs

Repeat Session 2 of Day 1

Day 6:


Repeat Session 1 of Day 3

Day 7: Rest Day

Blessing Awodibu’s Diet Plan

Meal 1:

Meal 2:

  • Tuna Fish – 129 Grams
  • Whey Protein – 2 Scoops

Meal 3:

  • Pasta – 550 Grams
  • Ground Beef – 8 Ounces
  • Whey Protein – 2 Scoops

Meal 4:

  • Chicken Breast – 500 Grams
  • Whey Protein – 2 Scoops

Meal 5:

  • Noodles – 170 Grams
  • Whole Duck Eggs – 4

Meal 6:

  • Pasta – 550 Grams
  • Grilled Chicken – 8 Ounces
  • Cashews – 100 Grams

Meal 7:

  • Cereals – 100 Grams
  • Milk – 10 Ounces

Wrapping Up

Like old-school bodybuilders, he’s also not a big believer in taking dietary supplements and mostly relies upon whole food. Also, he’s gone through his struggles, and whatever he has achieved today is through his hard work and dedication. Nonetheless, if you’ve questions about Blessing Awodibu’s workout routine, here we’ve covered one of his AM/PM workout routines, which will give you better insights into his training philosophy.

Nonetheless, it’s okay to go with his workout routine those who are in advanced level and have years of experience. Otherwise, it’s recommended to try any other workout routine that doesn’t get overwhelmed for you. Good luck!

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Satinder Chowdhry