Enjoy Bodybuilding Friendly Tasty and Healthy Chicken Meatballs Recipe With Tomato Sauce

Are you tired of eating chicken in the same way, and do you feel like you want to have something different, and at the same time, it would be great if it doesn’t wreck your diet plan? If yes, this versatile chicken meatballs recipe will be the right choice that seats perfectly with salad and tomato sauce.

Though chicken meatballs may look dry to some, it’s bit tasty and juicy compared to dry and boring chicken breasts.


Ingredients of Chicken Meatballs

  • Ground Chicken – 1 Lb
  • Rolled oats – 90 Grams
  • Onions – 2 whole
  • Pepper – 2 Tsp
  • Salt according to taste.

Healthy Chicken Meatballs Recipe – Steps to Prepare It Quickly & Easily

  • Put the non-stick frying pan on medium heat and grease it with extra virgin olive oil lightly.
  • Chop onions.
  • Take a large bowl and mix the onion you chopped with other ingredients, i.e., rolled oats, pepper, salt, and ground chicken.
  • Mix it well and make small balls from that and use a spoon to make a consistent size. Wet your hand a little with cold water to prevent the mixture from sticking on your hands.
  • Put it in the pan and let it cook till it becomes golden brown colored. Cut one chicken meatball and check whether it’s cooked.

It’s ready to be served. You can have it with sauce, or if you want, you can even pair it with your meal or salad.

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Satinder Chowdhry