Follow Dorian Yates Workout Plan Influenced by Mike Mentzer’s HIT Workout Routine

Dorian Yates (Dorian Andrew Mientjez Yates) is a retired English IFBB (International Federation of Body Building and Fitness) Pro who was six-time Mr. Olympia winner from 1992 to 1997 consecutively. And the fifth-highest winner of Mr. Olympia in history ranking behind, Ronnie Coleman, Lee Haney, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and recent Phil Heath.

Named along with the world’s bodybuilding legends like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lee Haney, Dorian Yates has also won the other 15 major contests besides Mr. Olympia. However, due to its injury, his bodybuilding career as Mr. Olympia didn’t last long. Still, he’s quite famous and also nicknamed as ‘The Shadow’ for his ability to stay out of public attention before a competition.

dorian yates workout routine

Dorian Yates was one of the few who has adopted the HIT (High-Intensity Training) method that emphasizes maximum effort and fewer reps.

Dorian Yates Workout Routine – HIT Training Method

Dorian Yates’s workout plan is massively based on Mike Mentzer’s workout routine A.K.A HIT training method. From his early days, Dorain Yates has read many books on training science, and Mike’s training philosophy was the one that has won over his heart. Like Mike Mentzer, he also focused on six to eight low reps for most of his body parts, including abs and legs. And he also similarly believed in force reps along with some drop sets, rest-pause, or partials.

Though Dorian’s workout schedule is four days and moderate cardio on non-training days for 2 to 3 times per week for around 20 to 25 minutes, he also emphasized that cardio shouldn’t be done after a workout as it can hinder your progress by reducing muscle gains.

Dorian Yates Workout Plan – The Age of Intensity

Similar to Dorian Yates Blood and Guts workout, here below is another workout plan he used to do that you can give a try to. The plan is split into four days a week:

  • Day 1 – Deltoids, Traps, Triceps & Abs
  • Day 2 – Back
  • Day 3 – Active Rest (Cardio)
  • Day 4 – Chest, Biceps & Abs
  • Day 5 – Active Rest (Cardio)
  • Day 6 – Legs
  • Day 7 – Active Rest (Cardio)

According to Dorian, the working set should be done with insanely hard intensity. And, once you reach failure, you should force yourself to do some extra partial reps. If you’ve got a gym partner, then it’s best that you take help of them in partial reps and go for negative reps, too.

Day 1 – Shoulders, Triceps & Abs

Here’s Dorian Yates Shoulder workout with triceps and abs.

1Seated D.B. Shoulder Press2 Warm-Up
1 Working
10 – 12
8 – 10
2D.B. Side Lateral Raise2 Warm-Up
1 Working
10 – 12
8 – 10
31 Arm Side Lateral Raise Using Cable1 Warm-Up
1 Working
10 – 12
8 – 10
4D.B. Shrugs1 Warm-Up
1 Working
10 – 12
8 – 10
5Cable Pushdowns2 Warm-Up
1 Working
10 – 12
8 – 10
6B.B. Lying Triceps Extensions (E.Z. Bar)1 Warm-Up
1 Working
10 – 12
6 – 8
71 Arm Cable Pushdowns26 – 8
8Sit-ups (Roman Chair)120
10Reverse Crunches110

Day 2 – Back

Below is the Dorian Yates back workout:

1Hammer Pulldown Machine112
2Reverse Grip Lat Pull Downs1 Warm-Up
1 Working
10 – 12
6 – 8
3Nautilus Machine Pullover2 Warm-Up

1 Working

10 – 12

6 – 8

4B.B. Upright Rowing1 Warm-Up
1 Working
6 – 8
51 Arm Hammer Rowing110
6Seated Cable Rowing16 – 8
7Reverse Pec Deck16 – 8
8Bent over D.B. Lateral Raises16 – 8
9Back Extensions (Static)16 – 8
10B.B. Dead Lift26 – 8

Day 3 – Active Rest (Cardio)

Day 4 – Chest, Biceps & Abs

Dorian Yates chest workout with Biceps & Abs:

1Incline B.B. Bench Press3 Warm-Up
1 Working
10 -12
6 – 8
2Machine Chest Press (Seated)1 Warm-Up
1 Working
10 – 12
6 – 8
3Incline D.B. Fly1 Warm-Up
1 Working
10 – 12
6 – 8
4Cable Cross over18 – 10
5Incline D.B. Curls1 Warm-Up
1 Working
6 – 8
6Standing Bicep Curls (E.Z. Bar)1 Warm-Up
1 Working
10 – 12
6 – 8
7Preacher Curls (Machine)16 – 8
8Sit-Ups (Roman Chair)120
10Reverse Crunches210

Day 5 – Active Rest (Cardio)

Day 6 – Legs

Dorian Yates Leg workout:

1Leg Extensions2 Warm-Up
1 Working
15 – 12
10 – 12
2Leg Press2 Warm-Up
1 Working
12 – 10
3BB Hack Squats1 Warm-Up
1 Working
10 – 12
8 – 10
4Leg Curls (Lying)28 – 10
5Dead Lift (Stiffed Leg)18 – 10
6Leg Curls (Single Leg)18 – 10
7Calf Raises (Standing)210 – 12
8Calf Raises (Seated)110 – 12

Day 7 – Active Rest (Cardio)

Dorian Yates Diet Plan

Dorian use to keep a simple diet plan that included enough protein intake every two hours. One of his meal plans is as below:

Meal 1:

Meal 2:

Protein Shake (Meal Replacement Shake)

Meal 3:

  • Green Vegetables
  • 2 Chicken Breasts
  • Rice or Potato

Meal 4:

Protein Shake (Whey Protein)

Meal 5:

  • 12 oz. Filet Mignon
  • Green Vegetables
  • Potato or Rice

Meal 6:

  • Half cup Oatmeal Porridge
  • 6 Egg Whites
  • Whey Protein Shake (½ Scoop)

Wrapping Up

Dorian Yates is a 6 time Mr. Olympia winner whose workout was heavily influenced by Mike Mentzer’s workout routine throughout his bodybuilding career. He always kept the emphasis on maximum effort using fewer reps.

Here, we’ve listed one of his workout routines, “The Age of Intensity,” a 4-day split, along with his sample diet plan that you can try if you’re interested in training like Dorian Yates.

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