X-ray Vision & Flying Power Is Something Out of Reach, but You Can Have Henry Cavill’s Workout Routine & Diet Plan

The flying power and X-Ray vision of Henry Cavill is something that ends with the movie, but his chiseled and shredded body that he flaunts in his movies such as “Man of Steel” and “Batman v Superman” is real.

Apart from being a popular movie star, Henry is also famous for his muscular and shredded body that he brings on the screen. And, surprisingly, you don’t require any superpower if you’re interested in achieving a physique like him. Though, you’ll need the sheer dedication he kept towards his workout routine and diet plan.

henry cavill workout routine

If you’re interested in finding out what his workout routine looks like, or you’re ready to take yourself to an extreme, keep on reading. Here, we’ve discussed his workout routine. However, it isn’t easy to follow if someone wants to go with the same intensity as he goes, especially if someone is looking for beginner’s workout routines or doesn’t have enough gym experience.

Henry Cavill Workout Routine – 1

Below is the workout routine of Henry Cavill:

Monday: Legs

Lift 10,000 lbs as early as possible by doing one rep of every exercise in succession. He uses whichever weight he wants and performs only one rep per round. Exercise is mentioned as below:

  • BB Back Squats
  • BB Bench Press
  • BB Deadlift

Tuesday: Sprint

Perform sprint and take one-minute rest after the completion of one round.

  • 8 Rounds of Sprint x 50 Yards

Wednesday: Rest Day


Perform the below-mentioned workout for as many rounds as possible within ten minutes using 50 Lbs dumbbells:

  • Bent Over DB Rowing – 7 Reps
  • DB Power Cleans – 7 Reps
  • DB Push Press – 7 Reps


Perform the below-mentioned exercise for one minute and rest for two minutes after completing every round.

  • 2 Pood Kettle Bell Swings – 20 Reps
  • Spring for 60 Yards

Note: 1 Pood (Russian weight measurement) equals 36.11 Pounds


Perform the below-mentioned exercise for as many rounds as you can within 9 minutes of time frame.

  • BB Back Squats – 3 Reps (225 Lbs)
  • Pull-Ups – 6 Reps
  • Push-Ups – 9 Reps

Sunday: Rest Day

Henry Cavill Workout Routine – 2

Here’s another workout routine of Henry Cavill that includes four strength training session and three rest days:

Monday: Upper Body

Incline DB Press45
Flat DB Press45
Weighted Pull-Ups45
DB or BB Rowing45

Tuesday: Lower – Body

BB Deadlift55
BB Front Squats56 – 8
Alternate Lunges48 / Leg
Standing Calf Raises512

Wednesday: Rest Day

Thursday: Chest & Back

Incline DB Press48 – 10
Cable Crossovers410 – 12
Chin-Ups (Weighted)48- 10
Seated Cable Rowing410 – 12

Friday: Shoulder & Arms

Seated DB Press58 – 10
Side DB Lateral Raises510 – 12
Front DB Lateral Raises510 – 12
BB Bices Curls610 – 12
DB Triceps Extensions610 – 12

Saturday & Sunday: Rest Day

Henry Cavill Diet Plan

Having a shredded body requires proper dedication towards diet. And, one such diet plan of Henry Cavill is as below:


  • Egg Whites – 5
  • Whole Eggs – 2
  • Steak
  • Oatmeal Protein Shake
  • Rosemary Water

Snack 1:

  • Cottage Cheese – ½ Cup
  • Protein Shake – 56 Grams protein powder
  • Grapes – 2 Cups
  • Barley – 2 Tbsp
  • Sunflower Seeds – 1 1/5 Oz

Lunch 1:

  • Chicken Curry
  • Jasmine Rice
  • Apple

Post Workout:

  • Protein Shake – Whey protein mixed with Milk, Maltodextrin & Peanut Butter.

Lunch 2:

  • Roasted Potato
  • Chicken Breast W/ Curry Sauce

Snack 2:

  • Protein Shake – Whey Protein (49 Grams)
  • Yogurt – 1.5 Cups
  • Barley – 1 Tbsp
  • Slivered Almonds – 3 Tbsp
  • Salmon, Hemp, Olive or Flax Oil – 1 Tsp
  • Tangerines – 2


  • Brown Rice or Pasta
  • Bison Steak

Post Dinner:

  • Protein Shake

Henry Cavill Movies

Below are the movies in which Henry has worked:

  • Zack Snyder’s Justice League – Released in 2021
  • Enola Holmes – Released in 2020
  • Night Hunter – Released in 2018
  • Mission: Impossible – Fallout – Released in 2018
  • Justice League – Released in 2017
  • Sand Castle – Released in 2017
  • Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – Released in 2016
  • The Man from U.N.C.L.E. – Released in 2015
  • Man of Steel – Released in 2013
  • The Cold Light of Day – Released in 2012
  • Immortals – Released in 2011
  • Blood Creek – Released in 2009
  • Whatever Works – Released in 2009
  • Stardust – Released in 2007
  • Red Riding Hood – Released in 2006
  • Tristan & Isolde – Released in 2006
  • Hellraiser: Hellworld – Released in 2005
  • I Capture the Castle – Released in 2003
  • The Count of Monte Cristo – Released in 2002
  • Laguna – Released in 2001

Wrapping Up

If you’re a fan of Henry Cavill, who likes his movies and wants a superpower like him, then sorry to say, we don’t have information on how to gain his superpowers. But yes, if you’re interested in finding out how he achieved his superman physique and what his workout routine is and diet plan has been like, then we hope this article may have proven helpful. Good luck!

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