Here’s IFBB Pro Arnold Classic Bikini Champion Lauralie Chapados’ Workout Routine

Among many known IFBB Pro competitors, one popular female bodybuilder and fitness model is Canada-based Lauralie Chapados, who’s popular for her sculpted shoulders, shapely glutes, and tight waistline. Nonetheless, here in this post, we’ll detail about this established star and the three-time Arnold Classic Bikini International champion and 6 times Mr. Olympia competitor Lauralie Chapados’ workout routine. So, keep reading.

Lauralie Chapados is a household name within the fitness industry due to her admirable sculpted physique and dedication to bodybuilding. Many fitness enthusiasts, especially female fitness enthusiasts and aspiring bodybuilders, want to know the secrets behind her success.

Lauralie Chapados Workout Routine

Let’s get straight to the point and find out about her workout plan.

Lauralie Chapados’ Workout Routine

Lauralie likes including various exercises in every session. It helps her target her muscle groups from different angles, leading to optimal growth. Similarly, her workout is the foundation of her impressive & aesthetic physique. And it’s specifically designed according to the demands of her body that help her enhance her strength and maintain a desirable fitness.


Exercise NameSetsReps
Pendulum Squats (Single Leg)38 – 10
Machine Squats W/ Heels Elevated38 – 10
Hack Squats38 – 10
DB Split Squats310 – 12 / Leg
Good Morning W/ Smith Machine310 – 12
Deadlift W/ Smith Machine38 – 10


Exercise NameSetsReps
Resistance Band Pull Apart210 – 12
Standing External Rotation W/ Resistance Band210 – 12
Incline Chest Fly310 – 12
Incline Chest Press310 – 12
Smith Machine Hex Press310 – 12
Seated Chest Press310 – 12


Exercise NameSetsReps
Straight Arm Cable Pulldown310 – 12
Seated Cable Face Pulls310 – 12
Cable Rowing310 – 12
Lat Pulldowns38 – 10
T – Bar Rowing310 – 12


Exercise NameSetsReps
Shoulder Press W/ Smith Machine38 – 10
Rear Deltoid Raises312 – 15
Face Pulls310 – 12
Front Lateral Raises310 – 12
Side Lateral Raises310 – 12
Upright Rowing310 – 12

Glutes & Hams

Exercise NameSetsReps
Romanian Deadlift38 – 10
Hip Thrusts W/ Smith Machine310 – 12
Cable Pile Squats310 – 12
Lying Reverse Leg Press W Smith Machine310 – 12


Exercise NameSetsReps
Cross Body Hammer Curls W/ Small Plates38 – 10
Rope Triceps Push Downs38 – 10
Seated DB Hammer Curls38 – 10
Bench Dips38 – 10

Lauralie Chapados’ Diet Plan

Lauralie believes exercise is first and diet is second. However, she gives attention to it, and humorously, she likes to call it a “meathead meal plan.” Instead of staying focused on cutting calories to stay lean, she likes to eat enough calories to help her fuel her workout and further use that extra fuel to train hard and cut down on weight by doing physical activities.

Meal 1:

Meal 2:

  • Chicken
  • Sweet Potatoes

Meal 3:

  • Avocado
  • Chicken

Meal 4:

  • Brown Rice
  • Chicken

Meal 5:

  • Avocado
  • Egg Whites


  • Greens supplement
  • L-Carnitine
  • Whey Protein
  • BCAA
  • Pre – Workout
  • Multivitamin

About Lauralie Chapados

Born in Quebec, Canada, Lauralie Chapados has always been occupied with an active lifestyle. From a young age, she displayed a natural athleticism, participating in various sports with the encouragement of her parents.

For instance, her early years were filled with soccer matches, jiujitsu training, and skiing adventures, each sport contributing to her developing a strong foundation in physical fitness and discipline. This diverse athletic background laid the groundwork for her future success in bodybuilding. Chapados’ early exposure to a range of physical activities not only honed her skills but also instilled a passion for fitness that has driven her to become one of the top figures in the fitness world today.

Starting Bodybuilding & Competition

Lauralie transitioned from an active childhood in sports to bodybuilding after realizing the toll of an unhealthy lifestyle. Trading nightlife for the gym, she quickly saw gains thanks to her genetics. Inspired by an IFBB Figure Pro, she began competing at 17 despite juggling two jobs. Her dedication paid off as she won her first competition and earned her IFBB Pro Card at the 2016 IFBB Qualifiers. With notable successes, including being runner-up at her debut, Mr. Olympia, Chapados became a dominant force in bodybuilding, securing major wins in 2022, including the New York Pro, Pittsburgh Pro, and Arnold Classic.

Closing Thoughts

For IFBB fans in the women category, she isn’t an unheard name. Similarly, fans always stay curious to know the secret behind Lauralie Chapados’ workout routine and diet plan. And, if you’re one of those fans who wanted to know, we hope you’ve got your answer. Similarly, if you’re an intermediate lifter, you can even give it a try. Along with a proper diet, we assure you you’ll get results.

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