Here’s Canada’s Social Media Personality, Fitness Model, and Entrepreneur Marc Fitt’s Workout Routine

Those who have an interest in fitness, then it’s quite sure they may have heard about Marc Fitt. Over the years, this young Canadian has made himself one of the leading fitness models around the globe. Popular for fitness YouTube channel, Marc Fitt has gained more than 17 million hits, and he even works as a fitness columnist for Global TV, which has been an inspiration for a new generation of people who want a ripped physique. Hence, if you’re his fan and want to find out about Marc Fitt’s workout routine, then keep reading.

Marc Fitt Workout Routine

Further, this legend is also popular for using his platform to motivate people through public speaking and social activism and establishing his own clothing company while helping orphan children.

Marc Fitt’s Workout Routine

Though in his 30s, Marc gets away with his training a lot more due to his fast recovery. He likes training six days a week, which ensures he gets the most out of his workout while having one rest day to recover. Each workout targets muscles from different angles, giving him the benefit of complete muscle development. Similarly, he even likes to incorporate isolation exercises for targeting specific muscle groups.

In addition, he experiments with workouts and keeps on improvising, using different training splits according to his goal. Hence, his flexible workout program helps him stay in shape for modeling all year round while improving his weak muscle parts.

Day 1 – Chest

Two Hand Stands & Push – Ups410 – 12
Incline DB Press Superset W/ Flat/ Incline/ Decline BB Bench Press or Flat/Incline/Decline DB Flys410 – 12
Machine Chest Press320
Incline Punch320
Lower Chest Flys320
DB Side Lateral Flys320
Pulley Punches (Up/Middle/Low)320

Day 2 – Back

Chin – Ups or Pull – Ups3Till Failure
BB Rowing or T – Bar Rowing310
1 – Arm Machine Rowing310
Close Grip Lat Pulldowns310
Cable Area Deltoid Flys310
Cable Pullover310

Day 3 – Arms

BB Curls410
Incline EZ Bar Curls410
Seated 1 Arm DB Curls410
Standing DB Hammer Curls410
Guillotine Curls415
Cable Curls (Wide Grip)320
Triceps Pushdowns410
Reverse Grip Triceps Pushdowns Superset W/ V – Bar Triceps Pushdowns or 1 Arm Cable Triceps Extensions410
Close Grip BB Bench Press415
Overhead Rope Triceps Extensions420

Day 4 – Shoulders

Behind The Neck Press (Seated) Superset W/ DB Arnold Press315, 10, 8
1 – Arm Pivot Press Superset & DB Punches315, 10, 8
Cable Rear Deltoid Flys & 1 Arm Cable Flys320
Straight Bar Front Lateral Raises315

Day 5 – Legs

Leg Extensions48
BB Back Squats48
Leg Press48
Leg Curls48
Stiff Leg BB Deadlift48
Calf Raises (Seated)48
Calf Raises (Standing)48

Day 6 – Abs

Cable Crunches310 – 15
Leg Curls (Lying)310 – 15
Sit – Ups310 – 15
Bicycle Crunches310 – 15

Marc Fitt’s Diet Plan

Like any professional bodybuilder, he goes for eight meals a day in intervals of 2 to 3 hours. For muscle development, he prefers consuming a high protein, low carbohydrate diet as it works best for him.

Meal 1:

  • Banana – 1
  • Rolled Oats – 60 Grams
  • Egg Whites – 8
  • Whey Protein Shake made W/ 1 Scoop
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids – 2 Tablets
  • Vitamin B – 1 Tablet
  • Glutamine – 5 Grams
  • Multi Vitamins – 2 Tablets

Meal 2:

  • Apple – 1
  • Almonds – 10 Pc
  • Whey Protein Shake W/ 2 Scoops
  • Chicken Breast – 1 Full

Meal 3:

  • Chicken Breast – 2 Full
  • Green Vegetables – 1 Cup
  • Multi Vitamins – 2 Tablets
  • Omega -3 Fatty Acids – 2 Tablets

Meal 4:

  • Whey Protein Shake – 1 Scoop
  • Rolled Oats – 60 Grams
  • Raw Honey – 15 Grams

Meal 5:

  • Pre-Workout – ½ Scoop
  • BCAA – 15 Grams

Meal 6:

  • Dextrose – 60 Grams
  • Whey Protein – 2 Scoops
  • Glutamine – 5 Grams
  • Creatine – 5 Grams
  • BCAA – 5 Grams

Meal 7:

  • Chicken breast – 1.5
  • Green Vegetables – 1 Cup
  • Omega 3 – 2 Tablets

Meal 8:

  • Egg Whites – 4
  • Casein Protein – 30 Grams
  • Glutamine – 5 Grams
  • ZMA – 3 Tablets

Marc Fitt’s Workout Principle

Marc focuses on high-volume workouts for achieving hypertrophy and also likes to keep short rest periods that create the EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Composition) effect. His favorite exercises are Dumbbell Press, Barbell Curls, and Dumbbell Arnold Press. However, he doesn’t overdo any exercise and likes training to maintain balance in his workout plan.

Also, he isn’t a big fan of cardio and likes to limit it. Instead, he prefers to go for a high-volume workout method for endurance training as well. He likes doing sprint interval training as, according to him, it helps him burn more calories effectively.

About Marc Fitt

Born on September 10th, 1990, Marc is a Canadian YouTuber raised in Montreal who has gained a massive number of followers for his commitment to a healthy lifestyle. With his impressive physique and love for fitness, he goes beyond aesthetics, giving importance to mental wellness and a balanced lifestyle.

His authenticity and journey from a humble beginning to becoming a global fitness icon match his viewers’ desire for genuine inspiration. Above the gym, Marc also engages himself with his audience through vlogs that show his adventurous spirit while exploring his daily life.

Further, he likes collaborating with top brands that support mental well-being. He likes extending far beyond the screen to solidify his status as a known figure within the fitness and influencer landscape.

Wrapping Up

Marc’s success shows that you don’t have to belong to a particular background to become successful in your area of interest. If you continue working hard and gather a piece of knowledge and experience in a particular field, you’ll achieve success.

Nonetheless, if you’re his fan and want to find out Marc Fitt’s workout routine or diet plan, it’s not exact, but we’ve shared one that will give you a general idea about his workout. Good luck!

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