Know What Is a Boot Camp Workout, Why It’s Popular, and Its Pros & Cons

In the evolving and growing fitness industry, gyms & fitness facilities are keeping themselves updated with modern workouts to stay ahead and make workouts interesting along with traditional bodybuilding style workouts. And, among them one is a boot camp workout. Yes, you might have heard about it, and many may even know what it is. However, if you’re interested in knowing “What is a Boot Camp Workout,” then you’re going to enjoy this piece of article because we’re going to discuss it in detail about the same.

Thanks to military-style workouts, this high-energy and dynamic workout has captured the attention of fitness lovers. It helps participants raise their heart rate to 80% and burn around 600 calories within an hour.

What Is a Boot Camp Workout

Boot camp workout has become one of the popular options for those looking to try something challenging. Similarly, in this piece of article, we will explore what it is and why you should include it in your fitness routine.

What Is a Boot Camp Workout?

A boot camp workout is a high-energy, intense group workout session that combines a military-type workout with HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) and functional exercises. It’s a circuit workout tailored to use bodyweight exercises such as burpees, crunches, and push-ups in a quick, short session to keep your heart rate up, which helps you burn more calories.

Boot camp sessions include:

  • Warm Up & cool down
  • Running
  • Stretching
  • Bodyweight exercises
  • Stretching
  • Relays
  • Exercise with a training partner

Boot camp workouts usually last up to 60 minutes, but 30-minute sessions are also popular.

Where Does a Boot Camp Come From?

Boot camp originated from the US military. Soldiers were trained intensively within a short period of time using the equipment available on hand, which could include ropes, car tires, benches, tree trunks, and their own body weight. The goal was to make them fitter and stronger.

12-Week Boot Camp Workout to Try

Usually, when the boot camp word is used within fitness circles, it is usually associated with visions of group exercise classes that mimic the style and cadence of military boot camp. However, here we’ve got a little twist, and you can try this 12-week boot camp workout we’re covering on your own. Similarly, it’ll also help you get in some good shape while losing body fat.

From Week 1 to 4

Workout A

Jumping Jacks20
Superset / Circuit:
Push Ups
Inverted Rows
Leg Lifts
3 – 410 – 20
Walking Lunges20 Steps
Superset / Circuit:
Reverse Lunges
Prisoner Squat
Diamond Push – Ups
Floor Crunches
3 – 410 – 20
Run1 Mile

Workout B

Superset / Circuit:
Front Squats
DB Stiff Leg Deadlift
510 – 12
Superset / Circuit:
Bench Press
DB Rowing
58 – 10
Superset / Circuit:
Kettlebell Swings
Overhead Press
Run1 Mile

From Week 5 to 8

Workout A

Jumping Jacks20
Superset / Circuit:
Push Ups W/ Feet Elevated
Chin Ups
Leg Lifts
3 – 410 – 20
Walking Lunges20 Steps
Superset / Circuit:
Box Jump
Walking Lunges
Calf Jumps
3 – 410 – 20
Superset / Circuit:
Diamond Push – Ups
Sit – Ups
3 – 410 – 20
Run1.5 Mile

Workout B

Superset / Circuit:
Romanian Deadlifts
510 – 12
Superset / Circuit:
DB Bench Press
BB Rowing
58 – 10
Superset / Circuit:
Kettlebell Press
DB Upright Rowing
Run1.5 Mile

From Week 9 to 12

Workout A

Jumping Jacks20
Superset / Circuit:
Plyo Push – Ups
Pull – Ups
Decline Sit – Ups
3 – 410 – 20
Superset / Circuit:
Walking Lunges
Jump Squats
Reverse Lunges
3 – 410 – 20
Superset / Circuit:
Swiss Ball Push – Ups
Sit – Ups
3 – 410 – 20
Run2 Mile

Workout B

Superset / Circuit:
Goblet Squats
Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift
2 – 310 – 12
Superset / Circuit:
Incline DB Bench Press
Kettlebell Rowing
2 – 38 – 10
Superset / Circuit:
1 – Arm Kettlebell Press
DB Shrugs
Run2 Mile


  • Make sure you take 1 minute of rest after each superset/circuit.
  • Perform workouts for four times a week. For instance, perform workout A next day, workout B. On the third day, take a rest day and then go for Workout A & Workout B consecutively. You can go on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. And, on Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday, keep rest day.

9 Benefits of a Boot Camp Workout

Till now, we have covered what is a boot camp workout and a sample boot camp workout you can try. Now, let’s find out what are some common benefits of a boot camp workout, which will help you decide why you should be doing it.

1) Effective

In a boot camp workout, you can combine whole-body strength workouts and cardio within the one-hour session, making it more effective than separate cardio and strength workouts.

2) Motivating

Generally, a boot camp workout is a group workout session. Hence, it’s motivating to do a boot camp workout as there are other people with you, which will also help you push harder.

3) Burns More Calories

Boot camp workouts are fast-paced and demanding. Hence, it helps you burn more calories in a single session than in other group workout sessions.

4) Less Costly

As it’s a group session, a single trainer trains the whole batch, which makes it affordable and less costly than personal training sessions.

5) Different

Boot camp workouts aren’t something you do every single day, which makes them a little different and helps break the boredom and monotony of regular cardio workouts.

6) Educational

Many times, trainers start and end the boot camp session with some tips related to fitness or nutrition, which makes it an educational session as well.

7) Flexible

Boot camp workouts are flexible, requiring minimal equipment, making them accessible wherever you want to exercise. Similarly, they open doors for exercising in new ways.

8) Emphasize Interval Training

The boot camp workout makes it a good way to do interval training on a regular basis.

9) Easy to Modify

Trainers who conduct boot camp workout sessions can suggest modifications to the exercises to meet the different fitness abilities and levels of those working out in the session.

7 Disadvantage of Boot Camp Workout

Not many, but below are certain disadvantages of a boot camp workout that you can face.

1) Advanced

The nature of boot camp workouts is intense. So, it’s better if you have a certain level of fitness before you go for a boot camp workout.

2) One Size for All

Boot camp workouts are designed to fit all fitness levels—for example, some basic exercises are included along with various other exercises that require intermediate fitness levels. However, you can tailor your boot camp workout according to your fitness level and goals.

3) Personal Instruction Can Get Limited

Depending on how many people are attending a boot camp session, the instructor may find it difficult to give enough feedback regarding technique, form, and injury prevention to each person.

4) Learning Curve

For those who are about to try boot camp workouts for the first time, there might be a learning curve. You might have to deal with a different type of workout that you aren’t accustomed to, which may even lead to soreness and make it frustrating, especially in the first week.

5) Greater Risk of Injury

Those who aren’t accustomed to high-intensity and fast-paced workouts may be more prone to injury and muscle strains. Hence, it’s best to first get used to doing exercises sufficiently so that your body can handle them in quick succession.

6) Schedule

Boot camp workouts are mostly scheduled in the early morning or early evening. However, there are certain exceptions throughout the day as well.

7) Unpredictability With Instructors

A good boot camp workout depends on the knowledge, certification, enthusiasm, and personality of the trainer.

Wrapping Up

Incorporating boot camp workouts into your workout program is a strategic move that can be beneficial on many levels. For instance, it’s a dynamic and engaging workout that may help you achieve better results while breaking the boredom of a regular workout session.

Further, here we’ve covered what is a boot camp workout, its benefits, and certain disadvantages along with a good boot camp workout that you can do on your own. We hope you will give it a try.

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Satinder Chowdhry