Beginner Home Workout Routine to Keep You Fit & Healthy in Your Busy Schedule

If you have little to no experience or are a beginner and are looking for an at-home workout routine, then this 8-week workout routine at home for beginners is a good choice for you.

workout routine at home for beginners

This at-home workout routine is great for beginners who have a basic level of knowledge or have done workouts but aren’t deeply dedicated or aren’t regular due to a busy schedule and want to work out at home to stay active and fit.

8 Weeks Home Workout Routine for Beginners


Pull-Ups (Wide Grip)310
DB or Kettle Bell Deadlift310
DB Rear Delt Fly315
DB Rowing315
DB Reverse Flys415
DB or Kettle Bell Swing412
AB Crunches310
Flutter Kicks320
Hell Tap320


Floor DB Flys312
DB Pullovers315
Kettle Bell or DB Goblet Squats415
DB Walking Lunges410
Kettle Bell or DB RDL (Romanian Deadlift)412
AB Crunches310
Flutter Kicks320
Hell Tap320


DB Shoulder Press315
DB Shrugs415
DB Side Lateral Raises2Till Failure
DB Front Lateral Raises2Till Failure
AB Crunches310
Flutter Kicks320
Hell Tap320


Chin – Ups310
DB Goblet Squats310
DB Curls312
DB Pullover225
DB Bent Over Rowing415
DB or KB Swings410
Lying Leg Lifts310
Plank31 Minute
Russian Twists (Each Side)320


DB Reverse Lunges310
DB Shoulder Press312
DB Svend Press315
DB Triceps Kickbacks2Till Failure
Chair Triceps Dips2Till Failure
Lying Leg Lifts310
Plank31 Minute
Russian Twists (Each Side)320

Cardio: 30 Minute Walk After Every Session

Saturday – Rest Day

Sunday – Rest Day

Wrapping Up

Here we’ve covered one sample workout routine at home for beginners. Henceforth, if you’re looking for a beginner’s workout routine that you can do at home, this can prove helpful to you. Likewise, workout alone doesn’t make the difference. You’ll need to be caloric surplus if you want to gain weight and caloric deficit to lose. We hope it proves helpful. Good luck!

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Satinder Chowdhry